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Spiritual Development
Shadow Work and Beyond

ANCESTRAL CORD CUTTING - What are generational patterns? We are brought up with the understanding that we get our awesome traits through our DNA. Our eye color, funny personality, or even natural talents like sewing or carpentry are traits that we proudly associate with our

ANCESTRAL LINEAGE HEALING - It ran in the family until it ran into me. Now that you know what Ancestral Cords are, you have an understanding that the cords are connected to our family. Sometimes being handed down generation to generation. For example the cord of

AURA'S AND AURIC HEALING - Our aura is a combination of all of our energy that is projected slightly outside of our body, typically up to three feet out. There are many dynamics that make our Auric color. When we shift our physical, mental, or emotional state it can be seen within

AURA'S AND AURIC HEALING - Our aura is a combination of all of our energy that is projected slightly outside of our body, typically up to three feet out. There are many dynamics that make our Auric color. When we shift our physical, mental, or emotional state it can be seen within

BALANCING THE CHAKRAS WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO HAVE AN OVER OR UNDERACTIVE CHAKRA - There are many reasons a chakra may become over or underactive. When healing intentions are set, you send signals that this work is being started. All energetic issues

CHAKRA ACTIVATION HOW DO YOU ACTIVATE YOUR GIFTS - Most commonly we hear about the 7 chakras but there are many more chakras located within our energetic body. The term activation can be somewhat confusing to people. We are all born with chakras

CHAKRA CLEARING - Sometimes during a healing there is a need to focus on a specific chakra. There may be a tremendous amount of trauma or several blocks that are creating continuous issues in the flow of energy. This can lead to emotional, physical, and spiritual pain. Sometimes a

ENTITY CLEARING - There are very few interferences that would create issues with a scheduled mega healing. One is if you have an attachment. Valerie is unable to do the mega healing if you have anything within you that is draining your life force whether it is a person, an entity, or some

ESSENCE RETRIEVAL - Essence can have different meanings spiritually. I will describe how I see essence and why I feel it is important to do essence retrieval during a mega healing session. Our essence is the truth of our soul. There are qualities that carry energy that is held at our core

ETHEREAL CORD CUTTING - Every encounter we have with other people we communicate physically and energetically. The energy is contained and shared through small energetic cords. If the energy didn’t flow through a direct connection like this, there would be a lot of

FRAGMENTED SOUL HEALING - There are 5 aspects that make up our soul. These aspects of us make us whole. There are times when we suffer damage and that damage to the soul needs healing. It is almost like fracturing a bone. During our living experience we can have a soul retrieval

IMPRINT REMOVAL - Every single experience that we have is stored within our energy. The good and the bad. When we have bad experiences or trauma that energy is held. The best way to understand how this affects us is looking at an individual that suffers from PTSD.

OATH/VOW/CURSE/CONDEMNATION/BINDING/ STIGMATA REMOVAL. WHAT IS AN EVIL EYE - Your words are so powerful in life. How words are directed to yourselves and towards others can create energetic connections and vice versa. Your free will and intentions play a big

PAST LIFE CLEARING AND HEALING - Understanding why a past life would need to be healed and cleared can be a complex topic. I will dive into how our past lives connect and affect our current experience and how it is helpful to clear the energy from our space.

PAST LIFE VIEWING - Please read about past life clearings and healings before reading about a viewing so you have an understanding of how past lives are brought in to help aid us in healing. As we are working on different trauma, patterns, or themes there are times that a past life may

REPROGRAMMING THE ENERGETIC BODY - Our energy holds programs. All of what we learn, experience, watch, feel creates a program within. Within society, we experience programs as well. These social constructs shape what is acceptable on a larger scale. When we watch TV we

SOUL RETRIEVAL - What is soul loss? This is a survival method that occurs during an abrupt occurrence that makes the soul feel unsafe or scared. To avoid experiencing the aftermath of the event a piece of your soul fractures off to prevent you from having to deal with possible

TRAUMA CLUSTER - Whenever I am a vessel for a mega healing I always note when there are 3 or more incidents located in the same area within the chakra. So if there is an ancestral cord and 2 past lives in the heart chakra I would call this a trauma cluster. If you are carrying a lot of

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