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Shamanic Journey Class
One on One

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What to expect

Shamanic Journey

What is Shamanic Journeying:


The tool of journeying is a profound way to deeply connect to spirit, universal knowledge, healing, and so much more.  Sometimes when people step into journeying they notice some self limiting thoughts.  Many wondered if they are going to see what others see, or if it is going to actually work.  Valerie takes the time to support an experience that resonated with your intentions. 


Please note that this particular technique was channeled from a Shaman from Africa.


What is Included in this Class:


  1. Shamanic Journey information workbook

  2. 1 hour instructional Video

  3. 1-2 hour Zoom session with Valerie.  She will lead you through several journeys to the different worlds to create confidence in your new tool.  


What you will Learn:


  1. Empowerment with your connection to your higher self and spirit guides.  This will give you the ability to work independently. 

  2. A basic understanding of what Shamanic Journeying is and the 3 worlds

  3. How to prepare a sacred space

  4. Understanding the importance of intentions and the power of words

  5. Protection and safety while taking a journey

  6. All the different ways you may experience a journey

  7. A detailed list of the many ways journeying can be used as a tool

  8. The Zoom session post watching the video will include 3 guided journeys to each world to build confidence in your connection

  9. You will receive support and messages from your guides through Valerie but will learn how to connect independently as well

  10. This workshop comes with a glossary of spiritual terms for those that are new to spirituality 

  11. As you grow the confidence in your journeying you can also book additional 1 hour zooms with Valerie to learn a new type of journeying whether it is connecting to the moon, healing, or even an ascended master.  She is here to support your growth and confidence in your individual connection. 


What you will Need:


  1. Comfortable clothing

  2. Journal

  3. Water or tea

  4. Whatever makes you feel comfortable when you are in your sacred space whether it is your crystals, a special pillow, sage, candles, it is your moment to create.  If you are new to this and don't have a routine that's okay too.  This workshop is for every level.


Please Read Before Booking:


Thank you for showing interest in this course.  Please respect the time and energy it takes to channel and provide this knowledge from spirit to you.  Use this course for yourself and your personal growth.  If you absolutely love it, Valerie is gracious to those of you that refer your friends to also be a part of their own empowerment journey.    

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